Session one - March 21st - 25th 2077

   Orkanger was experiencing an unexpectedly early thaw, a cause for celebration. Poeple were going out around town and there was a great deal of talk about how to best take advantage of a long summer. Ajax had heard among his scav friends that this year would be the year they delve into the Historic District of the nearby city ruins of Trondheim, and it would be happening soon. Ulric had gotten his hopes up that he might get a chance to pick out some salvage from the city finally demonstrate his skills for the town but his boss Omar gave him the bad news that he'd have to stay behind while the others scavenged the town.
   While wandering around the marketplace they ran into a group of Caribou Hunters who were stopping the night in town on their way home to Valda. While they were a bit guarded around strangers, Ajax managed to charm a huge heavilly-armed huntress named Hefgrid Lorensdottir. Hefgrid warned that the Caribou were behaving strangely. She shared rumor that the settlement of Virgus, far across the King Pitor inlet has gone dark in the winter and nobody is sure if the starved or fled or worse.
   When Ajax shared the news with Ulric over drinks, he was less than impressed. He questioned what hunters were doing out in the dead of winter and why they would travel south on their way to a Northern town. But he was intrigued by the story of Virgus. The settlement was hard to view from Orkanger's harbor likely only a few remote settlements with no ability to capitalize on the poor fortune of the settlers knew of their fate. The decided they would rough the freezing weather to look for lights in Virgus that night, and as they stood on the pier staring into the fog there was no light coming from the cove of the distant settlement.
   Ingevar had left Ler in the icy dawn of spring to chase rumors of visitors to The Town. The locals were wise to her tricks so the only men she could lure into a fight were travelers. She walked all night and day and was waylayed freezing at the gates for an hour by guards that didn't want her inside the walls. Eventually she charmed her way inside with a bit of script only to discover that the hunters had come and gone before she had even set out for Orkanger. Depressed she wandered the town a while, shopped in the marketplace. In the market she was cornered by Floki the Scrapmaster. She didn't like the portly old man but he had a luring offer to guard a scavenging trip that he made sound very profitable. She agreed to meet with him later.
   Ingevar met Floki at a quiet table in the pub later. His offer sounded shady, something about digging into a rundown part of the city that was too dangerous to tackle before and it was over a week away, but he would put her up in town for the time so long as she kept her nose out of trouble and her mouth shut about the job. Ingevar shook on the deal.
   She stopped to watch a clown in the town square at mid-day. While she watched Ollie the Jokesmith distractedly she overheard a pair of men plotting a scavenging mission with dour hopes and she inserted herself in their conversation hoping she'd learn more of what Floki had at stake. It turns out Ulric and Ajax were planning to raid Virgus and didn't care for the outsider woman butting into their business. Ingevar protested that she was only being helpful, but if they want to be rich men they should find their balls and take a risk before she stormed off.
   Ulric didn't think there's be any chance the steam tug would take them across the the inlet. He had a look at the town map and guessed with good weather they could sail to to Virgus in a day. He slept on the idea, finding the secret treasures of the dead settlement making it hard for him to sleep but they knew nobody with a boat.
   Ajax started asking around about which fishermen had the biggest boat and who could be hired. She kept her scheme secret from the other scavers and from Floki, thinking more of her share of the scavenge than her safety.
   Ingevar spent two days with the Honeywells, Lars and Lorna and their kids. She did chores and got stung a few times and got woken up constantly by the family dog. It was enough for her to decide she needed to look seriously at raiding Virgus.
   The three of them ran into one another once more at the docks, talking to fishermen who were readying their nets and sealing their boats for the start of fishing season. The first of the fishermen than would take them asked for more money than any of them could pay. The boys spoke with a fisherman named Tall Olav. Tall Olav would take them for a third of the take, they couldn't seem to talk him into a better deal. Ulric and Ajax headed Ingevar off before she could talk Olav into a bidding war and between them they agreed they would split the remaining 2/3 of the take between them and they would all meet at 4am the next day to make sail for the dead settlement.
   The morning was bitter cold. Ingevar was waylayed by meddlesome gate guards until she explained she literally only wanted into town to sail out of it. They started late, stymied by ice in the harbor but made good time across the inlet and caught sight of the settlement in the setting sun, still and silent. They broke ice up to the dock, Tall Olav seeming very nervous and unwilling to step out of the boat. Ingevar drew her axe and carefully made her way up the icy dock to the shoreline. She quickly. Ajax with her keen eyes spotted something odd-looking under the other dock and a dead body on the porch of the far home along the shore. As Ingevar approached with her lantern they could see that the doorway had been riddled with gunfire and they found the body shot through also. As Ulric brought up the rear he noticed that there were bodies in the drifts of snow along the shore.
   None of them were especially skilled at sneaking but they tried not to make too much noise. The first home they searched had the body of a woman, also shot, and a fully stocked village home. The second home was the headman's house and had some nice little treasures but nothing out of sorts for a rural settlement. The scavengers split up, looking around the village. Ulric picked the lock on a tool shed behind the buildings. Ajax sacked the head-man's house, finding a lot of neat little treasures. Ingevar searched over the dead in the snow, finding only men, and broke into the third house along the shore, finding it barely worth the effort of chopping the door open. Ulric found a still and some mechanical parts in the shed but was feeling too exposed to spend more time away from everyone else so he headed back to talk to Ingevar. A debate about the poor state of the treasure arose and quickly ended as Ingevar drew her bastard sword.
   Ingevar had been on edge because of the state of things in the settlement when they arrived. She didn't want to listen to the bitchy mech boy with the glasses and when she heard a sound that didn't seem to be coming from them her attention was drawn to a shadow moving against the back of the house they were next to. She drew her blade and shoved Ulric out of the way. As she advanced, crunching the snow, a greenish face with long stringy hair and glowing red eyes peered around the corner of the house. Ingevar had killed trolls before, but it didn't render her immune to fear of them.
   Ingevar charged into a thrown axe from the Troll, swatting it away with her shield. Ulric drew his massive revolver and took aim, shouting a warning to Ajax as a second troll barrelled around the back of the house raising a cleaver to attack Ingevar. Ulric fired on the Troll with the throwing axes and missed but with an impressive boom. Ingevar paced back from the charging Troll to steal the initiative and swung into a deft parry. Ajax began running down the shore to help his compatriots. Ingevary capitalized on her initiative dealing a series of blows to the tough troll with the cleaver, warding off the hammering impacts of his weapon with her shield. Ulric kept the other troll pinned down with more shots from his hand cannon, nearly taking a thrown hammer to the forehead.  As Ingevar dealth a bloody blow to her troll the other came out of cover and charged Ulric and Ajax. Ajax fired recklessly with her arrow gun and missed but Ulric finally landed a solid shot on the troll, taking it off it's feet just as Ingevar put down her troll. Ajax could hear the sound of running in the snow from the other side of the building. They began reloading and checking themselves over for injuries as they prepared for the next wave of attackers.
