Session five - April 6th - April 7th 2077

Thibor huddled at the end of the ramp coming up from the dock. Out of the recess of the Marina where he could see his surroundings but not so far from his steam ship that he couldn't run if things got bad. As he peered around from cover he nervously caressed Vera, his high caliber pre-fall military sniper rifle. He lifted the scope to his eye and scanned the ruins of Trollheim but with the crumbling buildings all around he couldn't see much. He had been hired to drive a scav named Pityr Volker and his crew. They had gone into the ruins of the jetty in the morning and there had been no sign of them in over five hours. Now the sun was starting to come down and Thibor didn't want to be in the city when the dark rolls in.

He moved through the ruins, getting anxiously far from his vessel until he found a steel stairway that looked like it was still stable. He carefully climbed higher for a better vantage point and scanned around the buildings and canals with his scope. He caught sight of some movement in the old town but couldn't see what was moving. As he looked closer at the buildings he caught sight of a boy with a rifle in one of the crumbling old towers. He quickly braced and readied to shoot the other sniper but the boy was just scanning the city like he was. Suddenly there was the blare of a flare being fired into the sky.

Ingevar, Ajax, Ulric and Michelle the scav ran out into the open streets, the shadows much longer than when they entered the museum. As they ran down the streets they found Floki and the other scav's huddled under the roof of the decrepit carousel. Floki hissed at Ingevar, reading her the riot act for wandering away from he and his men. Ulric reminded the assembled that that flare was still burning just as they heard gunshots ringing out from the camp. They left the shelter of the collapsing carousel and ran down the street out of the Old Town, hurrying through the ruble.

Finally reaching at the steam plant Invegar, Ajax and Ulric stopped to surveil the area while the others ran ahead. As Floki and the scav's hurried along the side of the steam plant some.. thing crawled out of the wreckage of the second story above them, clinging to the wall with impossibly long slender limbs, watching the running scavengers with big black eyes. It wore clothes like a person but nothing in it's movement looked like a person. It was as if some horrible spastic spider was wearing a person costume. Ulric lifted the newly acquired rifle in his hands and shot as Ingevar shouted a warning. The bullet pierced the creatures and caused it to fall into Floki and his people. The girlish screem that Floki let out made Ajax laugh out loud.

Ajax managed to hear the sound of footsteps over the chaos, something prowling through the building above him and something moving up the street behind them. He grabbed Ulric and Ingevar and pulled them into the broken window of the ruins across the street from the steam plant. They crouched in the dust silently as they heard something moving on the timbers above them. Eventually the thing above them bolted away like a hare. They glanced out into the street and climbed out of the ruins, hurrying back to the steam plant. Inside raid was gathered around the pale man that Ulric had shot, prodding it's lifeless body, prying open it's wide mouth to show off it's needly teeth, every inch of the monster was unsettling. Anne and the others were shaken from being attacked by the Pale men but nobody was injured. Floki had no clever inspirational speeches, he just stared in horror at the thing laid out on the table.

Thibor had followed the flare, if it wasn't Volker it might be people who know where they are. Even the sound of gunshots didn't dissuade him but it did make him unsling Vera and approach cautiously. He saw some people slink out of a ruined building and run towards and old brick building with a smokestack. His options limiting with the setting sun he decided to be foolish, slinging his rifle over his back and approaching with hands high. The group inside was distracted and as Thibor moved past the broken windows of the old building the scavengers inside exploded into a fearful reaction, grabbing weapons. He raised his hands higher "Whoah! Whoa! I'm a friendly fellow, not after you or yours. I'm just looking for my friends.. please lets not loose our heads.." Floki Studied the stranger for a moment before offering a broad smile and gently pressing the barrel of one of the rifles downward "This man has no reason to lie to us, if he wanted to do us harm he's got a big rifle and we're not keeping watch very well.. " Floki shook hands with Thibor and they exchanged names before floki introduced him around and explained that they were raiders from Orkanger. Thibor asked about Volker and his scavs but nobody knew anything about other scavengers. Floki invited Thibor to stay the night and have a warm meal. Thibor didn't fully trust strangers but he had to admit the offer was much more attractive than walking back to his boat in the dark. Thibor ended up talking with Ulric about boat engines over a bowl of soup and made quick friends of his companions Ingevar and Ajax. Floki set a watch and suggested everyone get sleep because when the sun rose they were going to clean out Old Town like Vikings in a monastery.

Again most of the raid struggled to get sleep, waking at every sound, cold and uncomfortable. At sunrise Ingevar realized that she was so punchy from lack of sleep that she was nodding of while eating her breakfast. Floki got everyone up and had them pack the camp into the trucks. He announced they were going to sweep the city of treasure and ride out before the sun sets. The trucks where prepped and loaded, everyone piled in and within minutes they were riding back into Old Town. Thibor and his new friends were riding with Floki and Hildi while Omar California took Truck 2 ahead of them. At the grand circle in Old Town Omar and his crew drove ahead into the town square while Floki turned Truck one South and drove towards the high spires of the cathedral.

Floki stopped in the empty street before the towering structure. It's high iron gate long overgrown with generations of unmaintained vines and grass. While Floki and Thibor began sawing the old gates open, Ingevar and Ajax hurried down the block to collect the loot they had stored at the Museum of Conflict. They could tell that their pile of loot had been disturbed but everything seemed to be in place so they struggled to drag all of it back to the truck.

Thibor had insisted that they wait before going into the old Cathedral. He didn't like having their numbers reduced this far into the creepy Old Town. While they waited on Ingevar and Ajax he unslung his rifle and began searching the Cathedral grounds with the scope. High up in a stained glass window he saw something move as daylight shone weakly through the pattern. After watching it carefully for some time he could make out the form of an elongated humanoid shape, it's limbs twitching. Vera's report echoed through Old Town, the stain glass cracked and the shadow of the monster fell from it's perch inside. Floki gave Thibor an appreciating nod with a raised brow.

Ingevar and Ajax came running at the sound of the gunshot, weapons ready only to find their comrades chuckling and making jokes about penetration. They loaded their loot onto the big wood gas truck and forced open the gates, approaching the long stairway up to the imposing doors of St Ivar's Cathedral. Floki explained in a hush voice as they glanced around for trouble "There's a big cross at the front of the Church and somewhere around here there's a well. Keep your eyes open.." They pushed the door open and slowly crept into the darkness.

The Cathedral was lit by sunlight washed out through the stained glass high above. Inside the entryway a low ceiling made it even darker. The raiders walked slowly, weapons ready, stepping over trash and debris. Ahead the Cathedral opened up to the soaring vaulted ceilings, pews scattered in a disorganized chaos, barrel fires burning next to piles of broken furniture. Ajax stopped and stroked the feet of a black statue, wiping away years of smoke. He looked at the artwork, likely priceless before the fall, now ruined like everything else. As Floki stepped into the nave of the Cathedral and looked skyward he was struck between the shoulderbades by a spear thrown from somewhere above him and he fell to his knees is pain. A Pale Man sprung over a tangle of pews in a great leap, landing next to Floki. A massive Pale Man rose from the pews his monstrous mouth grinning as he leveled a hug cleaver blade at the frightened survivors. The doors at the far end of the Cathedral burst open, three Pale Men charging forth.

Ingevar jumped to the front of initiative order and charged in the back Floki up. Ulric fired a shot into one of the Pale Men and threw him backwards over the church pew he sprung from. Another Pale Man dropped from the balcony above, landing in front in front of Thibor. Ajax was taking aim but as the new Pale Man leapt into view he fired on him recklessly and missed. Hildi watched the doorway behind them for trouble. Ingevar turned her back on the huge Pale Man fighting Floki and cut down the creature about to chop into Thibor. but took a hard chop from a massive cleaver into her back. Thibor took a shot on the Pale Men galloping through the Cathedral on all fours, dropping one immediately. Ulric fired three shots into the Pale Man Ingevar attacked, tearing it to bloody pieces. Ajax dropped his arrow gun and pulled out his revolver. Ingevar turned and attacked the alpha Pale man, connecting with her sword. Floki lifted his submachinegun from the floor and opened up into the alpha Pale Man but only too bullets hit and didn't put it down.. In return the Pale man chopped bloodily into old Floki, delivering a serious wound with it's blade. Thibor fired again, nailing a difficult shot without aim and dropping one of the three charging Pale Men. Ulric took aim on the distant charging Pale Men rather than shoot into the melee with Ingevar. Ajax was not so cautious, walking froward and firing three shots that neither hit Ingevar or the Alpha Pale Man. It did however make Ingevar swear. Ingevar put her sword through the Alpha Pale Man only to be grappled by the monster an punched hard in her steel helmet. Ulric fired a long shot on one of the charging Pale Men and managed to hobble it. Thibor's shot's wounded the last of the charging Pale Men, sending them scurrying for cover. Ajax closed to point blank range and fired three times into the back of the Alpha Pale man. The beast let out an anguished roar as it fell and the remaining Pale Men scattered.

Hildi checked on Floki and began performing first aid. He was unconscious but still breathing, she didn't how for how long. The others searched the Cathedral for any more of the creatures before grabbing loot. They found candles and a reasonably complete toolbox in a back room. Ingevar lifted and hauled a 400lb golden cross from the head of the Cathedral all the way out to the Truck just as the sun began to set. Meanwhile Ulric and Hildi carried Floki out to the truck in an old blanket they found in the back room. Before they could load him in they were startled by the sudden shot of a flare high above the market square just a few blocks away. Omar and his group had run into trouble.
