Session four - April 6th - April 6th

As the sun lazily rose the raid party sat sleepless and wary, clutching weapons and searching the foggy ground around them for threats. A frozen sleepless night had left most of them exhausted. Anne and Ingavar had taken turns watching over the team but neither of them slept well. Floki got everyone's attention with clapping hands. He could see that his raid would be a disaster if he couldn't rally the scavengers and Omar's people. He announced that they were going to pack up the trucks and roll towards a more secure location to camp, they'd get a hot meal and then get into the city for some quality scavenging. When people brought up Thorbjorn's demise he scoffs and suggested that the missing man had likely scared himself into a panic and would join the group later. As Ingevar patrolled around the trucks she spotted a ship that was invisible in the dark broken, over the marina wall, it was an old naval cruiser with a massive gun on it's prow but there were scavenger's marks on it's doors and there wouldn't likely be anything left to steal.

Reluctantly the group packed up their things and fired up the trucks, rolling towards the Western edge of Trondheim near some well-preserved brick buildings that looked like they were once a school. They settled in an old industrial-looking little building that had been burnt by fire. They barricaded the front with the trucks and dug up old furniture to block the windows. Ulric, Ajax and Ingevar broke into the back room and found a defunct steam engine but no fuel for it. In the back of the engine room they found stairs leading down below into the wet darkness.
Searching the Steam Tunnels

They went back to gather lanterns to explore the steam tunnels but there were too many people focused on lighting the camp for them to get a hold of a lamp. Hildi, always focused on Ulric noticed their suspect prowling and walked over with two lanterns she was carrying "Need a hand?" They couldn't acquire them quietly unless they brought Hildi with them. Minutes later they were walking downward in a long pipe-covered hallway. It was shadowy and every sound echoed, putting them all on edge.

They don't know how far they had traveled in the dark before the first door. It was heavy and locked, perhaps they could come back to it later. Maybe a hundred feet deeper there was a door on the opposite side, open. They forced the ancient door open and pushed into a dark basement hallway, the ceiling and floor was badly water damaged. The place looked some kind of administrative building. The fiddled with light switches and electrical boxes but nothing was powering the old building. They split up, Ajax and Ingevar breaking into a classroom, Ulric and Hildi working at a pair of heavy double-doors that had a high tech lock. Ajax ransacked the cabinets and found some possibly viable chemicals, pencils, and exacto blades. Ingevar found a fire axe and dozens of what appeared to be detailed toy boats. It would seem they had broken into a boat-building school. Ulric and Hildi broke down the doors into a big dark room lined with tiles that seemed to swallow the light of their lamps, the floor was uneven and descended into a puddle. Deeper into the cavernous room they found the prow of a speedboat, sleek and high tech. Beyond was a massive fan and control room. They had discovered a wind tunnel, full of fascinating engineering that could be studied and a boat unlike anything they had seen before.

Just as they were getting into the meat of the salvage they heard sounds coming from the tunnel. Soon Skinny Sven and a scav named Kurt Vedder pushed into the basement. Ajax conned them into believing the boat school was a trash hole and they all returned back up to the camp where hot food was being served. It was decided that a crew would have to stay back to guard the camp while the raid team went into the city to prep for scaving. Each team was given a flare gun to alert the other to trouble should they need back-up. Originally Ingevar was to stay back and guard the camp while Ajax and Ulric went into the city, but Ajax managed to charm Floki into bringing Ingevar rather than Anne.

The scavers and mechs pushed into the city on foot. Stopping to shove cars out of the way to make a path for the trucks. At the city entrance they found cars stacked and the ground littered with rusty caltrops. It took hours of work to make a path and Ulric nearly impaled his foot while working. The further they got into the Old Town the easier the work became with less and less cars blocking the streets. In the Old Town buildings were in better condition. Metal rooves held up better than shingles and old stone edifices, while crumbling were weathering the ages better than bricks or glass. With some exceptions the entirety of the Old Town was standing. Scavs broke into old buildings and found the place picked over but not ransacked and soon boxes of salvage were stacked up outside of doorways.

Ingevar didn't have much to do so, as Ajax emerged from looting a building and Ulric finished disabling the break-line on the last car in the street they slipped off deeper into the town towards an old castle-like building overrun with the trees that once lined the streets around it. They attracted the attention of a scav named Maria Wessel who encouraged them to take her along in case they ran into trouble. The big double-doors to the fortress took a lot of work to open, they had been barricaded from within. Inside was a middle-ages historical fortress with a sign that read "The Museum of Conflict" The outer walls of the museum were exibits, old barracks, blacksmith's and stables. They found both the historic offices and the modern museum offices where they found reams of wrapped high-quality paper. In a gift shop they found a huge box full of pistols but as they looked them over they discovered they were detailed replicas. Maria found a few sacks of coal that looked to be in functioning condition.

While the others sifted through a defunct cafe Ingevar and Ulric moved into the central keep. They found bunks and cooking supplies and other signs that someone had been living here after the fall but no answer to where they went. Many of the displays in the keep were broken into armor missing, manequin's stripped, however there was a wall of amazing historic sabers that was untouched. Ingevar grabbed a bunk and used it as a sleigh, loading it down with dozens of fine quality swords. Ulric Pushed up the stairs to "The War to End All Wars". There were some displays the clued him in to the fact that these were more modern warfare displays but they had been emptied. Another floor up Ulric found photographs of old guns and what appeared to be functioning artillery, large caliber shells and mortar shells. He found boxes of grenades but they had been disabled, still it wouldn't be hard to make them function again. At the end of the hall was an antique machine gun behind a barricade, the floor littered with spent shells. And another floor up in the attic was a long-barrel rifle with a scope leaning against the window. He tried it out searching around the window. As he was looking across the city there was the eruption of a flare being fired back at the camp.

Ulric ran downstairs to find everyone craning their heads to try to see if what they heard was really the flare, Ingevar ignoring it as she dragged her swords towards the gates. It was quickly decided that they'd dump their look in the entry to hurry back to camp. On the way the met up with Floki and they others who were equally confused and headed back to camp. The sun was setting and the flare burned brightly as it slowly descended from the sky.
